Monday, March 12, 2012

One Month

One Month

What we call you: Jack Attack, Jackopher, Buddy Boy

Temperament:Hard to tell at this point. But, you seem happy as long as you are held, clean and dry &. have a full tummy.

Things I could do without: You don't really nap during the day. You sleep pretty well at night, but it is quite the victory if you take any kind of nap during the day.

Things you could do without:  Having your diaper or outfit changed. You pretty much hate to be naked.

Item/toy we love the most:  Your swing makes it easy for me to make coffee and breakfast in the morning. 

Item/toy you love the most:  Giraffe sound machine, it makes outings so nice and you sleep so soundly in your car seat with it.

Things I am loving the most right now: Cuddling in the middle of the night with you. Sometimes I just hold you tight and pray for you, when I should be putting you back in your crib and getting some sleep myself. You are also  smiling more consistently at me and Dad. We totally love it.

Things you are loving the most right now: Tummy time on your activity mat and you recently enjoyed our walks outside since it's been warmer.

What you are saying: You've started to coo, which is beyond adorable. I can't wait to hear more sweet noises from you!

What you are doing: You are holding up your head pretty well and eating like a champ. Today at the doctor you weighed in at 9lbs 10 oz and measured 22 inches. You are growing like a weed!


  1. Robin...he is so cue! I am so happy for you guys and you seem to be such a happy mom. The nap thing will pass. Calvin went through a stage of no napping either. He'll eventually sleep lots through the day. blessings to you guys!

  2. Karen! Thanks for your sweet comments! Feel free to give me lots of advice, I'll take all your pearls of wisdom any day!

  3. Once upon a time, before we were parents, we mocked our friends who drove around their baby girl for naps and said we would never do that. HA! So when you are having a really rough day, join the club. Put that baby in the car with his beloved giraffe and go get yourself some coffee and a treat. Do it often if you need to. Personally, I consider it a good investment in mental health for the whole famiy.
